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Our process. Done right.
H&M Metal Processing is in full compliance with state and federal EPA standards and maintains FDA approvals:
• NO cyanide is released into the environment during our metal treatments.
• We ensure the integrity of all products according to the customer’s requirements and specifications.
• All cycles and thermometers are constantly monitored for specified times and temperatures.
• All instrumentation and testing equipment are certified on a regular schedule to meet or exceed current specifications.
• The H&M quality control certification guidelines are continually updated with systems and procedures to maintain the highest quality standards.
• Our efficient process and production flow helps to ensure customer satisfaction.
• We are ISO 9001:2015 certified, Certificate # 2595-00 (Akron, Ohio – Glendale, Arizona and Jacksonville, Florida facilities). The Quality Control Department oversees the ISO certification and statistical process control.
Quality Assurance Testing
A variety of comprehensive physical property tests are conducted before, during and after our treatment processes. The following is a list of some of these tests:
Titration is a laboratory technique to determine the chemical properties of the BLACKNITRIDE™. H&M is committed to maintain the properties of the solution within the appropriate parameters according to customer specifications.
Mount & Polish Samples
Samples of the base metal are placed in an epoxy medium and mounted in a laboratory press. The material is heated, cured for two minutes, cooled for three minutes and then polished in preparation for microscopic testing.
Tukon Hardness Tester
Tukon hardness tester is a microscopic testing for hardness and case depth to verify the degree to which the process has permeated the surface of the material.
Metallograph is an in-depth microscopic test to determine case depth, as well as grain structure of the material.
Superficial Hardness Tester
Superficial hardness tester is a non-microscopic hardness test procedure.
Profilometer is a surface roughness test to ensure adherence to specific surface requirements.
Salt Spray Unit
The salt spray unit is a testing unit to determine the degree to which a material can withstand corrosion per ASTM spec B117. A salt and water spray is applied over time to measure corrosion tolerances.
Scanning Electron Microscope/EDAX
A scanning electron microscope produces images of a sample by scanning a metal surface with a focused beam of electrons. The electrons interact with atoms in the metal, producing various signals that contain information about the metal’s surface topography and composition.
Akron Research and Technology
In partnership with ART, we provide complementary metallurgical testing, evaluation and consulting.