Because repairs are not an option
When your part is in space, you can’t make a house call to fix a broken part. That’s why H&M Blacknitride+™ is the only process used on the motion control parts of NASA’s Mars exploration rovers.
Metal protection in outer space exploration is primarily about improving the durability of a part. When treated with the nitride process, parts must meet extremely high engineering specifications for deep space exploration.
H&M Blacknitride+™is the only process approved by NASA engineers to meet the tolerances required in parts manufacture and treatment. For example, our diffusion rate meets their specification to .001 case depth. The process delivers finished parts with no dimension change.
It’s not only the process that achieves approval at such a high level, but also the tight quality control of the H&M testing laboratory. The only lab of its kind in the nitriding industry, we employ a full-time metallurgist so we can pay close attention to the nitriding process and the specification requirements for each part used in the aerospace industry. We don’t mess around — because repairs are not an option.
Do you have an aerospace need? Contact us today.